Wednesday, April 3, 2019

6 Stunning Medical advantages of Celery Juice and Why I Drink It Consistently

If you’ve been on social media recently, you know celery juice is having a moment. Everyone from A-list celebrities to your co-worker seems to be on a daily celery juice fix, but is it worth it?

Read on to learn the health benefits of celery juice and why I actually drink it every day!

Use the links below to quickly navigate this guide:
  • What Is Celery Juice?
  • What Is The Best Time to Drink Celery Juice and Why?
  • 6 Health Benefits of Celery Juice
  • Anti-Inflammatory Action
  • Aids in Digestion
  • Reduces Bloating
  • Hydrates the Body
  • Clears Acne
  • Strengthens and Hydrates Hair
  • Why I Drink Celery Juice Every Day
What Is Celery Juice?

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪What Is Celery Juice?‬‏
White background with three mason jar glasses filled with green juice. White and blue striped straws in each glass and a little stalk of celery lying on it's side. 
The Medical Medium, Anthony Williams, actually started the movement of drinking pure celery juice years ago.
Celery juice, is just that, the juice of a stalk of celery. By putting your celery stalks in the juicer, it squeezes out any liquid content and that’s what you drink. Now there are a few ways to “juice” your celery stalk, but I have stuck with the easy route of using a juicer.
When it comes to celery juice, think of it as electrolytes. Celery is made up of mostly water, hydrating the body at a cellular level.
What Is The Best Time to Drink Celery Juice and Why?
It is recommended to drink celery juice right away in the morning on an empty stomach. After consuming 8 to 16 ounces of celery juice, it’s best to let the juice digest for at least 30 minutes.
Celery juice is not high in calories however, so after waiting 30 minutes to digest, it’s important to eat a substantial breakfast in order to power through the day.
Drinking celery juice first thing in the morning has been shown to strengthen the digestion of other foods that you eat throughout the remainder of the day!
This nutrient packed drink aids in gut health and by consuming it at the start of your day, it allows your stomach to start out on the right foot.
If you are unable to consume your celery juice first thing in the morning however, you can also drink it about 15 to 30 minutes before a meal or 30 to 60 minutes after eating a light snack.
You simply want to drink it with as little food in your stomach as possible in order to reap the most benefits.
6 Health Benefits of Celery Juice
So let’s get to it. Is celery juice really that good for you? What are the specific health benefits from drinking celery juice?
From a nutrition standpoint, a whole stalk of celery is rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, potassium, iron, sodium, and other essential amino acids. But it also has many other benefits:
Healthy Collection of Nutritional Facts of Celery per 100g. Graph of all nutritional value
Healthy Collection of Nutritional Facts of Celery per 100g. Graph of all nutritional value
1. Anti-Inflammatory Action
Celery is filled with antioxidants. Two antioxidants in particular, polyphenols and flavonoids, act as anti-inflammatory agents in the body.
The anti-inflammatory properties found in celery juice can help with inflammation issues such as acne, bloating, constipation, IBS, and more.
2. Aids In Digestion
Many of us are all too familiar with the feeling of bloating, indigestion, acid-reflux, and even constipation. These uncomfortable sensations are caused by low stomach acid.
This is where celery juice comes in! The natural sodium found in celery (yes, there is sodium in celery!) stimulates the production of stomach acid, and when consumed first thing in the morning, it helps aid in digestion for the remainder of the day.
How we prep our stomach to digest foods throughout the day is extremely important in helping keep unpleasant symptoms at bay.
Two individuals in white t-shirts and jeans holding two clear bottles of green juice with white and pink striped straws. 
Two individuals in white t-shirts and jeans holding two clear bottles of green juice with white and pink striped straws.
3. Reduces Bloating
Celery is a natural diuretic containing a large amount of water, which means it helps to flush out toxins and excess water from the body.
When celery stalks are turned into celery juice, most of the fiber is removed. This in turn allows the body to digest the food more easily while still receiving the nutrients and experiencing less bloating.
4. Hydrates The Body
The main component of celery (nearly 95%) is water, which of course means that celery juice is great for hydration!
And if you’re someone who struggles to meet the recommended amount of water per day, celery juice is a great way to contribute to that number in a flavorful way.
By starting off the day drinking celery juice, you’ll be well on your way to giving your body the hydration it needs to function at its best and reap the many benefits of sufficient water intake.
5. Clears Acne
The specific combination of some of the health benefits we’ve already discussed actually leads to another amazing one.
By flushing out toxins, decreasing inflammation and hydrating the body, celery juice can actually reduce breakouts as well as cystic acne which is caused by inflammation. Score!
And if reducing acne doesn’t convince you to jump on the celery juice train, I’ve got one more benefit for you.
Woman in white blouse holding a clear glass full of green celery juice with her hand under her chin on a pink chair.
Woman in white blouse holding a clear glass full of green celery juice with her hand under her chin on a pink chair.
6. Strengthens & Hydrates Hair
Who doesn’t want a head full of shiny, curly locks?!
As previously mentioned, celery juice contains a large amount of both H2O and vitamin A.
Vitamin A plays a role in nourishing deep into the roots of our hairs, making them strong and healthy from the core.
While vitamin A dives deep into the roots of the strands, water provides hydration for our scalp, curing the common problem of dandruff.
With both water and vitamin A working together in celery juice, the strands of our hair are being nourished and staying hydrated from deep within the core to the topical layer of the outermost part of our scalp.
Why I Drink Celery Juice Every Day  
Women's hand holding a mason jar of green celery juice with a white straw over a dark wood floor.

Women's hand holding a mason jar of green celery juice with a white straw over a dark wood floor. 
After hearing about all of the benefits, I wanted to find out for myself if celery juice was really worth the hype. And after hearing it could help clear up acne, I was ready to dive in.
As someone who never suffered with acne growing up, getting acne in my late 20s has been a real struggle.
From experimenting with dermatologists to every topical ointment over the counter, nothing seemed to be working. This is when I decided to heal my gut and introduce celery juice into my diet.
I have been drinking celery juice consistently every morning for the past four months. It has become a part of my daily routine – wake up, workout, make celery juice, and move on with the rest of my day.
By adding celery juice into my daily routine, I have witnessed firsthand clearer skin, decreased bloating, and an increase in my energy level.
Also, for someone who has arthritis that runs in the family and has been known to have high inflammation in the body, I have seen a significant decrease in the inflammation of my stomach, calves, and feet which all have been known to be trouble areas for me.
I will continue to incorporate celery juice into my daily routine as I continue to see the positive benefits it provides me. I believe that this is just one small, but amazing way to live a happier and healthier life.
After all, you are simply adding more water and increasing your intake of vegetables at the beginning of every day. And who doesn’t want that?!
